Title: كتاب شرح القصيدة النونية,عثمان العرياني
Arabic Book. Late 1800s early 1900s
Printed in مطبعة سنده طبع اولنمشدر، اسطمبول
Pages: 175. Hardcover. 15x24cm.
Arabic Book. Late 1800s early 1900s
Printed in مطبعة سنده طبع اولنمشدر، اسطمبول
Pages: 175. Hardcover. 15x24cm.
Condition: Acceptable.
- Covers: Vintage covers added to book.
- Pages: No text marking, no tears and compete. Yellowing. Few lose pages. Pages well preserved. Fly-leafs wrinkled. Hinged.