About Us
Welcome to our بريش بوسترز Braich Posters!
Directly from Lebanon, this store where you can find original vintage posters, mainly Egyptian movie posters. We offer the widest selection of original Egyptian vintage movie posters and billboards from some of the most memorable films of all time. We also carry vintage Arabic books, Arabic VHS films, Magazines, Vintage Newspapers and Arabic comics.
Many of our Egyptian posters have very colorful and incredible artwork. Several are truly rare and highly sought after by collectors. Our inventory consists of titles from the early 1930's up to 1960s. We tend to specialize though in original Egyptian film posters from the 1940's through the 1960's.
All the material displayed is original and there are no reproductions of any kind present.
Would you be interested in a particular article or should you have any peculiar request, please do not hesitate and feel free to contact us. We will answer as soon as possible.
Braich Posters online store is owned and managed by بريش بوسترز corporation.